DYMAT 22ND Technical Meeting 2016 is organized by Pr. Pascal FORQUIN (3SR LABORATORY/Université Grenoble Alpes), and Dr. Benjamin ERZAR (CEA).

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Brittle materials such as ceramics, concrete, glass or rocks are involved in various applications involving dynamic conditions or impact loadings (armour configurations, rock blasting, impact drilling, concrete structures, hail impact…). In these conditions the brittle materials experience extreme damage mechanisms: plasticity, microcracking, fragmentation and collapse of pores and may exhibit complex mechanical response: pressure or loading-rate sensitivity, anisotropic and non-linear behaviour...

This workshop aims at gathering senior researchers as well as PhD students studying experimentally, developing models and numerical approaches to improve the knowledge in this area.

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This technical meeting will focus on the following themes:

- Dynamic testing of brittle materials: Hopkinson pressure bar techniques, plate impact experiments, high-speed imaging, full-field measurements, impact testing, extreme loading conditions, metrology…

- Damage and cracking mechanisms in brittle materials: Tensile damage, Mode I and/or Mode II fracturing, Pore collapse, crushing, plasticity mechanisms…

- Modelling and numerical methods: Finite-element/discrete-element methods, linear/non-linear fracture mechanics, damage models, plasticity models…

- Applications: Mining industry, safety of buildings and structures, armour solutions, natural risks, machining of brittle materials, industrial processes, biological hard tissues and biomaterials…


Accomodation - Special rate

You can book at a special rate at Hotel de l'Europe by mentionning your participation to the DYMAT Conference. Follow this link.


You can download the last version of the detailed schedule here.

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